esta frase é linda, concordo completamente. --------------------------------- a propósito deixo aqui este excerto da Ética de B. Espinoza: "PROP. II. We are only passive, in so far as we are part of Nature, which cannot be conceived by itself without other parts.
Proof.--We are said to be passive, when something arises in us, whereof we are only a partial cause (III. Def. ii.), that is (III. Def. i.), something which cannot be deduced solely from the laws of our nature. We are passive therefore, in so far as we are a part of Nature, which cannot be conceived by itself without other parts." --------------------------------- pareceu-me estar relacionado com a frase, se calhar é outra versão :)
1 Comentários:
Às 10:43 da manhã ,
nunobark disse...
esta frase é linda, concordo completamente.
a propósito deixo aqui este excerto da Ética de B. Espinoza:
"PROP. II. We are only passive, in so far as we are part of Nature, which cannot be conceived by itself without other parts.
Proof.--We are said to be passive, when something arises in us, whereof we are only a partial cause (III. Def. ii.), that is (III. Def. i.), something which cannot be deduced solely from the laws of our nature. We are passive therefore, in so far as we are a part of Nature, which cannot be conceived by itself without other parts."
pareceu-me estar relacionado com a frase, se calhar é outra versão :)
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