O teu universo em constante trespassar de mim.

sexta-feira, agosto 01, 2008

Your result for The Aura Test...

The Blue Aura

Loving, caring, helpful, patient, nurturing, supportive, “motherly,” intuitive people

Excellent givers but not very good receivers. They give love liberally but when it is reciprocated they have a hard time really taking it in (unless centered in themselves)

The most emotional of all the core colors; they can be brought to tears for no apparent reason

Spirituality and relationships are their two biggest priorities

People often turn to Blues for consolation, advice, or just to be loved

They tend to attract people who need rescuing, especially in their intimate relationships

Tend to hold on to guilt and resentment when feeling unloved and unacknowledged

Often have a hard time saying no

Can have difficulty letting go of relationships

Tend to have cold hands and feet

Easily put on weight because they often use food as a substitute for emotional fulfillment

Easily pick up on people’s emotions and feelings; they’re surprised that other people can’t

They want deeply to be loved but subconsciously doubt they are lovable (unless centered)

They need to form a deep emotional bond with their partner before sex is satisfying

When centered, they are giving, nurturing, and devoted parents

When uncentered, they are overprotective and try to make their kids dependent on them

They are prone to using guilt and manipulation to get what they want rather than asking for it

As children they try hard to please their parents so that they will be loved

They often choose low-paying service-oriented jobs because they feel that people and love are more important than money. Consequently, they can struggle financially

Check out a more complex Aura test at:

Take The Aura Test at HelloQuizzy

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